May I start by telling you all about the new and exciting changes that are about to take place to THE CRYPT Disk Magazine.
Firstly, the name has been changed to THE CRYPT. We decided that it was a more appropriate name as I'm sure that your agree that nobody now would use a floppy disk drive to run THE CRYPT, they would transfer all the files to hard drive and run THE CRYPT from there.
This brings us to the next change. We will no longer be sending out sets of "Bootable" disks to our readers any more. If by any chance you should require a set then they can be purchased from our sponsors, ForeMatt Home Computing who's address is included in all editions of THE CRYPT.
The other major change is that we will in future only be distributing sets of floppy disks that contain the hard drive install version. To obtain these disks you will now have to use our new DISKBACK SERVICE.
Please now read how this new service operates in case you need to make use of it at any time.